Wednesday 5 February 2014

Courses of Medication


Don’t get ill on Friday if you wish to guard your health

‘Cause those who gain from illness and take away your wealth

Will not be keen on Friday to probe those hurts and stinks

They’re out there catching birdies on the open golfing links


On Mondays you can count on them to be at beck and call

The birds called secretaries will not your requests stall

And if you get a malady on Tuesday afternoon

They’ll give you cures and fixatives, that is for health a boon


On Wednesday there’s a few who go to exercise their swing

But will come running if you call, you just give them a ring

On Thursday they’re preparing, for tournaments at clubs

But not the types you find in cards, or whist drives at the pubs


These are clubs where Doctors go for weekly consultation

Where surgeons slice and GPs hook and get congratulation

“That’s a beauty!” “What a putt!” They’ll show true dedication

So don’t get ill on Friday, friend, if you want medication


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