Wednesday 2 May 2007

Are We Blind?

Are We Blind?

Nature punished man one day,
She took a species right away
Never more we’d see it play
And did we care? No chance! No way!

So then another was deleted
To make the punishment repeated
We said “It isn’t we who cheated!”
Why’s it that we’re so conceited?

So then a swathe of types were lost
To see if we would count the cost
As we away our future tossed
As more from off the list we crossed

And did we care? No not a chance!
To make a stand or take a stance?
Not we, without a backward glance
Just trundled on as if in trance

As long as it’s not humankind
That with extinction is entwined
We’ll carry on, not peek behind
Because we know we have been blind

So let’s own more and squander wealth
Of lives not ours. It’s not our health
That’s in demise, although by stealth
It will be us
It will be us
It will be us

Chris Higginson
2nd Provocative Verse

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