Thursday 1 March 2007

The Loo Book

The Loo Book
(the original name for 1st Provocative Verse)


I sit upon my throne and think, what am I doing here

Confronted by a porcelain sink, upon a holy chair.
A friend has given me this book, to read upon the Loo
Now isn’t that a silly thing for me to want to do!

He said that I could rip a page, and use it on my rear
All I have to do to it, is read it and then tear
Along the dotted line that I, cannot even see
Without my reading glasses. What has he done to me?

He thinks it’s kind of funny, to torment me this way
A sort of flat pack toilet roll! What is he trying to say?
But on the other hand maybe, I’ve got some time to spare
To sit here reading rubbish, as though I haven’t got a care.

Chris Higginson.

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