Wednesday 11 July 2007

The Farmer's Donkey

Ding Dong Dell, into the well
Fell the farmer’s donkey
It brayed like hell so he could tell
Where was that wonky donkey

To get it out he then did shout
To all his friends and neighbours
“Come give a hand here on my land
I’ll pay you for your labours!”

The well was deep with sides so steep
They had no clear suggestions
“How can we pull without a bull?”
“You’re always asking questions!”

The farmer said “The donkey’s dead
So let’s just fill the well in”
And so they started broken hearted
But donkey got the hell in

As all the sand did fall and land
Upon the donkey’s back
It shook aside and then it tried
To stand on it and pack

The sand below it seemed to grow
And rose as sand did plummet
When out it jumped ‘cause all the dumped
Sand had reached the summit

It’s rather sad that donkey mad
Now bit the farmer’s butt
The farmer cried and later died
From septicaemiac cut

The moral song when thing’s go wrong
And fate has come to pass
You’ll surely die if fail when try
To cover up your Ass

Chris Higginson

2nd Provocative Verse